Traveling through a secure API in Python

Jessica Temporal

APIs python

See in schedule: Fri, Jul 30, 15:15-15:45 CEST (30 min) Download/View Slides

I like to remember the places I have been and I always liked the idea of having a map of those places, so as any developer would do, I built a web application for that.

In this talk, we will see how you can use Python and Auth0 together to build your very own "Where Have I Been" map! I will walk you through all the steps we will need starting from scratch. From building the first API endpoints, protecting the endpoints that create new markers, all the data manipulation, and even deployment!

Type: Talk (30 mins); Python level: Beginner; Domain level: Beginner

Jessica Temporal


Jessica Temporal is Senior Developer Advocate at Auth0. Pizza de Dados co-founder and co-host, Pizza is the first and most beloved Brazilian podcast about data science. Jessica is also part of the instructors team in Data Bootcamp and LinkedIn Learning. She is part of the PyLadies, an international network for promoting and empowering women in technology. Born in warm weather, she keeps herself warm in the cold Brazilian south with sweaters she knits herself.