Social Event - Cooking Show

Social Event

See in schedule: Wed, Jul 28, 18:05-19:05 CEST (60 min)

Cheuk Ho will be hosting the first ever EuroPython cooking show! She is going to show how to make a few Japanese dishes: Miso Soup (Vegan), Soba (served cold, can be made Vegan) and Gyudon (Japanese beef rice). She will also explain the different types of Miso, and different types of Dashi (Japanese stock) Join us and stay tuned!

Shopping List:
To make Dashi - dry shiitake mushroom and kombu
Miso Soup - Miso, dashi, white reddish (optional), tofu (optional) and sprint onion (as garnish)
Soba - soba noodle, dashi, white reddish, wasabi, shiso (as garnish)
Guydon - thinly sliced beef, white onion, dashi, soya source, sake, mirin, japanese rice

Type: Interactive (60 mins); Python level: Beginner; Domain level: Beginner