Developing Flask Applications for Google Cloud

Abby Carey

Public Cloud Web Servers and MicroFWs (Flask/Tornado/Nginx/...) python

See in schedule: Fri, Jul 30, 19:30-20:00 CEST (30 min)

Learn how to build Flask apps for Cloud Run, one of Google Cloud's serverless platforms. To accelerate the Cloud Run development loop, we'll be using Cloud Code, an IDE plugin that makes working with Cloud Run easy. We'll also cover how to integrate products like Cloud SQL, Pub/Sub, and Secret Manager.

Type: Talk (30 mins); Python level: Beginner; Domain level: Beginner

Abby Carey


Abby is a Developer Advocate at Google Cloud. She's currently working on developer tooling and creating a better Python developer experience. Coming from a Technical Writing background, she has always had a passion for helping developers find solutions to their problems. In her down time, she tinkers with VR web development, studies Python fundamentals, and can't put down a good fan fiction.