Climate data analysis with xarray and cartopy

Mia Polovina

Python Skills Visualization

See in schedule: Fri, Jul 30, 13:00-14:30 CEST (90 min)

This training aims to introduce the audience with climate data analysis using Python libraries xarray and cartopy.

The training will cover the following:

* Introduction to climate and weather data and the NetCDF file format
* Introduction and key features of xarray library
* Basic operations and computation with xarray
* Visualising / making maps with cartopy

We will use various Python packages: netcdf, xarray, cartopy as well as pandas and matplotlib.
You can install the libraries using conda or pip.

You can download notebooks/files from Google Drive link:

The goal of the tutorial is to provide participants with basic skills for climate data analysis.

Type: Training (180 mins); Python level: Beginner; Domain level: Beginner

Mia Polovina

Data Scientist based in London, UK. Skilled in Python, R, SQL, Machine Learning methods/algorithms and Data Visualisation. Interested in the applications of computational models to a variety of problems. Other than data, I am interested in current affairs, enjoy reading, movies, and baking.