The Pattern: Machine Learning Natural Language Processing meets VR/AR

Deploy large NLP models, create knowledge graph and build new types of interfaces.

Alexander Mikhalev, Dvir Dukhan

Big Data Data Science Data-Structures Deep Learning Distributed Systems

See in schedule: Wed, Jul 28, 15:00-16:00 CEST (60 min) Download/View Slides

Open-source project "The Pattern" is the platform to inspire collaboration for building modern natural language processing tools and techniques and making them practically useful for end-users. In this session, I will walk through creating 3 Machine Learning NLP pipelines and deploying them using Redis and Redis Modules: RedisGears, RedisGraph and RedisAI.
The first pipeline demonstrates how to use traditional NLP techniques, such as the Aho-Corasic algorithm to build a knowledge graph from medical literature using a medical thesaurus (UMLS).
The second pipeline demonstrates how to build and deploy BERT Question/Answering model and create API for text to speech interface. Leveraging Redis Cluster sharding and capturing Redis Gears "keymiss" event to trigger processing of BERT QA in RedisAI.
The third pipeline demonstrates how to deploy Google's T5 (text to text transfer transformers) to build summary of each article.

Type: Interactive (60 mins); Python level: Intermediate; Domain level: Beginner

Alexander Mikhalev

Passionate researcher and developer, ready to dive into new technologies and develop new things. I have a wide and diverse set of knowledge ranging from natural language processing to wireless and wired networks. I have a systematic approach to innovation and the ability to solve complex problems. For example, in 2018 I ran a "skunkworks lab" inside Nationwide Building Society which resulted in the first patent in the history of society on the topic of secure distribution of data.

Dvir Dukhan

Redis Labs

Software Engineer for Redis Labs CTO team since 2019.