CPython Compiler and Interpreters Python 3
See in schedule: Fri, Jul 30, 19:30-20:00 CEST (30 min) Download/View SlidesWhat is formal grammar, how does it create a programming language and what does Python's grammar look like. In Python 3.9 the grammar parsing engine was changed; find out some of the reasons why and what this change has allowed in terms of future language evolution.
Type: Talk (30 mins); Python level: Intermediate; Domain level: Beginner
I am a long time Python developer of almost 10 years. For most of that time I have used the language to drive systems programs in and on top of C. Python is a diverse and quickly growing community and I love to contribute to it even as I try to keep up. I currently help ActiveState deliver secure, pre-build python projects to enterprise customers and individual developers.