Heartbeats for Hackers

ECG Sensors, Data and Analysis

Andreas Klostermann

DIY Data Science Jupyter Machine-Learning Natural Science

See in schedule: Thu, Jul 29, 10:30-11:15 CEST (45 min)

Pulse sensors have found their way into a surprising number of devices, and they are useful in many kinds of contexts, most of all in medical ones.
This talk will cover mostly "electrocardiography", the electrical way to listen to your heart. I will cover briefly how the heart works, how ECG sensors work and how to build a simple ECG with an Arduino or similar microcontrollers.
Then I will show you a bit about how to analyze such data and do some machine learning.

Type: Talk (45 mins); Python level: Intermediate; Domain level: Beginner

Andreas Klostermann

I am a licensed Veterinarian (since 2018). Before that I have worked mostly as a web developer, I am currently unemployed.