Code of Conduct

EuroPython is a diverse community who maintains a reputation as a friendly, welcoming, inspiring and dynamic group. We’d like to keep it that way, which is why we ask all participants, speakers, organizers and sponsors (collectively: the attendees) to follow this code of conduct (CoC).

If you have questions regarding this CoC, please see our CoC FAQ below or contact the EuroPython CoC WG. Your questions will only be seen by the members of the CoC workgroup and treated confidentially.

Be nice to each other

We trust that attendees will treat each other in a way that reflects the widely held view that diversity and friendliness are strengths of our community to be celebrated and fostered.

Furthermore, we believe attendees have a right to:

  • be treated with courtesy, dignity and respect;

  • be free from any form of discrimination, victimization, harassment or bullying;

  • enjoy an environment free from unwelcome behavior, inappropriate language and unsuitable imagery.

Be professional and don’t spam

We consider EuroPython a great setting to showcase the work of the community and would like to encourage networking and business related discussions, as well as keep the conference presentations meaningful and interesting for everyone.

We therefore:

  • only allow company marketing or recruiting related activities at the conference in accordance with our sponsor agreements;

  • request presentations - outside the official recruiting sessions - to focus on Python related topics, not on recruitment.

The EuroPython Sponsor WG will be happy to answer any questions related to marketing or recruiting activities.

Solving problems

If problems covered by this code of conduct arise, please contact one of EuroPython CoC contacts listed below or any other EuroPython organizer directly and in private. Any complaint will remain confidential, be taken seriously, investigated, and dealt with appropriately.

The EuroPython organizers reserve the right to carry out any of the following actions relating to a complaint:

  • The person concerned may be told to stop/modify his/her behavior appropriately and a warning will be issued.

  • The person concerned may be warned that enforcement action may be taken if the behavior continues.

  • The person concerned may be asked to leave the venue immediately and/or may be prohibited from continuing to attend EuroPython (without refund).

  • The incident may be reported to the local authorities.


  • - Emails to this address will be received by the CoC contacts as listed below

You can also reach the following members via email, phone or contact them directly:

This document is based on the PyCon UK 2015 Code of Conduct and released under a creative commons license.



Code of Conduct FAQ

This FAQ is meant to clarify a few questions that may arise from reading our above Code of Conduct for the EuroPython conference.

Why did you add the “don’t spam” section to the CoC?

At previous EuroPython conferences we had a few issues with non-sponsor companies trying to sidestep our sponsorship packages by e.g. massively distributing flyers on conference tables,  directly approaching attendees with calls to attend company presentations, or using lightning talks as free recruiting session.

It should be understood by attending companies, that marketing and promotional activities are only permitted in the context of our paid sponsor packages. Not following these guidelines is disrespectful of our attendees and paying sponsors.

To make this clear to everyone, we decided to add a new section to the CoC, starting with EuroPython 2016.

May I distribute flyers/stickers/etc at the in-person conference?

We will have a special table/area designated for distribution of flyers, stickers and other informational material, which can be used by all attendees (including employees of companies sponsoring or not sponsoring EuroPython) to place marketing material.

Unsolicited distribution of marketing material in other areas, e.g. on conference tables, in conference rooms, etc. is not permitted, unless authorized by the EuroPython Sponsors WG.

May I send private messages to attendees on the Matrix chat system?

If you have their permission, that's absolutely no problem.

We do not want sponsors to contact attendees in a cold-call style to get their attention. It is better to first get their attention on one of the public channels and then follow up with them using PMs for more details conversations.

As an attendee you may contact other attendees via private messages, if they have turned on permissions to allow such messages. If you do, please be aware that such direct contact may not be welcome and also consider that our Code of Conduct applies to such communications as well.

Does the restriction of marketing/recruiting activities also apply to private discussions?

Absolutely not :-) Much to the contrary, we want to encourage such communication at the conference, including discussions related to business acquisition or recruiting offers.

The restriction does apply to unsolicited marketing or recruiting activities by non-sponsor companies, since this would sidestep our sponsoring activities and lower the value of our sponsoring packages. Without this restriction, we'd end up with fewer sponsors and a higher priced conference, which is not in our interest and also not in the interest of our many attendees.

I have a question which is not answered in this FAQ

Please contact the EuroPython CoC WG with any other questions you may have. Your questions will only be seen by the members of the CoC workgroup and treated confidentially.